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Full Length Plays:
We Were Children
"We Were Children" centers around Kaleb, a sixteen-year old boy with selective-mutism, whose concept of “self” is spiraling out of control. Painfully shy, and unable to fully articulate all of his emotions verbally, his thoughts are expressed through art, music, dance, and poetry. Kaleb soon finds his alter ego in Blake. However, a mutual relationship soon becomes parasitic, as Blake feeds off of Kaleb’s insecurity and inability to speak for himself. Production Trailer
Not Quite a Fairytale
Cinderella, Aurora, Rapunzel, and Beauty are all being interrogated for the murder of Prince Charming. As we delve into each of their stories, we find out that the prince might not have been so "charming" after all. Fairytales were originally told to young girls as morality tales, encouraging them to grow up to be proper, chaste, quiet women. My piece points out the faults in teaching children these values and shows how ridiculous some of these fairytales seem to be. Rapunzel gets knocked up at sixteen because she was given an abstinence-only education, Cinderella rejects Prince Charming's proposal because "they've only been dancing for two minutes," Beauty goes insane and begins talking to the silverwear as she is being held captive against her will, and Aurora is brought out of her slumber by true love's kiss... From a girl.
Harriet and Derek meet on a sex chat site. The problem is, Harriet is married, and Derek is a hypochondriac who is disgusted by bodily fluids. What starts as sexual banter, soon evolves into romance, and our two characters are at a crossroads as to whether to break out from behind the shield of a computer screen, or to remain in a world of fantasy. In an age of social networking and dating sites, more and more people are meeting and maintaining relationships online. My piece explores the levels of intimacy (and lack thereof) that can be cultivated behind the veil of a screen.
Select Short Plays
Family Planning
Mark and his pregnant wife, Karla, discuss the sex of their future baby. Mark tells Karla that he wants their child to be female, but makes assumptions about their "future daughter" that Karla finds disconcerting. When Mark points out that Karla may be overreacting because she is hormonal, Karla accuses Mark of being sexist and reevaluates their compatibility as parents. .
The Eenie Weenie Peenie Competition
Radio shock jock Johnny Salami is holding a competition to find the "eeniest weenie." The winner gets $10,000 and a full-expense paid vacation to Cancun. As the poorly-endowed contestants drop trow and are relentlessly ridiculed by Salami, they share their experiences of what it was like being born with a micropenis.
Arthur Eckhart is a famous sculpture who is about to commit suicide as a performance art piece, when young Evelyn knocks on his door. Evelyn is an aspiring art critic who deifies Arthur's work. Emboldened by Evelyn's gushing compliments, Arthur takes advantage of Evelyn's unquestioning devotion by convincing her to strip naked and model for what will be his "magnum opus."
The "F Word"
Cat stops off at her ex-husband's home to pick up her son. Tensions rise when her ex-husband reveals that their son is not only with his new girlfriend, Kirsten, but that she took him out for ice cream and is now running late. Fuming, Cat discloses that their son has been using the "F word" in school, and she quickly blames Kirsten for her amateur parenting skills. The play culminates in a shouting match between Cat and her ex, and we realize that some "F" words pack more of a punch than others.
On September 26th, 1983, a nuclear early warning system reported that an American Minuteman Intercontinental ballistic missile was headed towards the Soviet Union. Had this nuclear attack occurred, the Soviet Union would have likely retaliated, resulting in a full-on nuclear war between NATO and the communist states. On this day, Mother sought refuge with her daughter, Olivia, in a bomb shelter. After thirty years, Olivia begins to fight her mother for control over their shared space. Beyond examining the relationship between a mother and her daughter, “Safe” delves into the politics of dictatorship and absolute control. Nazism, Stalinism, and most recently, Songun under Kim Jong-il, all seem at first to have the people’s best interest in mind. However, when citizens begin to rebel or question their leaders, all ties to the outside world are cut off, education is limited, arts are prohibited, and literature is destroyed.
Two teenage missionaries, Esther and Natalie, are standing on a subway platform attempting to propagate the word of the gospel. While Esther is filled with religious fervor, Natalie is less than enthused. After hours of being ignored by busy passersby, Natalie convinces Esther to take a break from evangelizing and goads her into playing a game of “gay chicken.” When a man passes by the two girls, Esther immediately stops the game and becomes hysterical at the idea that he was watching them.
Dwayne enters Lisa’s apartment, to find her diligently whitewashing a room with "Pepto-Bismol pink" walls. We soon find out that Lisa is struggling with the aftermath of a miscarriage from an accidental pregnancy. Tensions are high, as we notice that Lisa has been drinking and Dwayne is struggling to get Lisa out of the room. One slipped up word out of Dwayne’s mouth sets Lisa off and they finally discuss the “pink elephant” in the room
"Mark of the Devil" reimagines the circumstances surrounding the forced confession of Gellis Duncan, the first convicted witch in the UK. Historically, her admission of guilt ignited a two-hundred year span of hysteria, wherein thousands of men and women were tortured and executed for witchcraft. Amidst the #Metoo Movement and an impending fear of the loss of reproductive rights, I believe my play is especially relevant. "Mark of the Devil" brings to light the culpability of Gellis' interrogators and ascribes criminality to the true devils in the room.
Mark of the Devil
During the medieval period, a marriage was not seen as legitimate unless the couple had intercourse--in front of a witness. My play imagines the circumstances wherein two newlyweds struggle to consummate their marriage in what must have been a nerve-wracking and embarrassing ordeal. Seven hundred years ago, sex was still awkward.
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